bendovergirlplz Dating Profile

Hook up with New York guys in New York
I am a 31 years old straight single man living in New York, New York

bending girls over

Just because im quite, doesnt mean I have nothing to say. I tend to judge people too easily by first impression. Id rather wait for the perfect woman than settle for any ole' person. Im unpredictable and spontanious. I try to be forgiving. I enjoy being unique. Im ambitious and determined, but I can also get lazy and unmotivated at times. Id rather look immature & have fun than care what other people think. Sometimes im really confident & other times I feel really insecure. Im creative and imaginative and curious about everything. My friends mean everything to me, but sometimes I just want to be alone. I try to be sympathetic and supportive. Im opinionated& stubborn, but im loyal, sincere & caring. You can trust me with your secrets, unless its something that can hurt you.I try to find and see only the best in people. I hate when people make me feel guilty to get their way. Im a great listener & I stick up for the people I care about no matter what!!!

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