Hogrider84 Dating Profile

Find the man for your sex date in Charleston in West Virginia
I am a 62 years old straight single man living in Charleston, West Virginia

Bet I can.....

I'm a single Dad (my son is away at college, in his own apartment). I'm looking for a nice but naughty girl to spend the next 20 or 40 years with if she can keep up with me. I'm financially unstable so if you're looking for a sugar daddy it's not me. If cat hair bothers you, again, don't look this way, I have 4 cats, they've been here for many years and they plan to keep me, along with my son. I tend to live life as a vacation, I avoid Drama, it cuts down on stress. I have an automatic dishwasher, a washer / dryer and a vacuum cleaner too. I am a bit of a romantic; I like my mate to be affectionate and spontaneous. I'm a typical guy that needs to be the center of his mates attention. The kind of man who likes to have his girl on his arm in public and have other guys see what a babe I've got and they can't have. I'm flattered, not jealous by the attention she gets from other men. I'm liberal enough not to mind my mate being bi, but I'm not liberal enough to share my date/mate with another man. I want someone who needs to be needed and isn't high maintenance or materialistic, an affectionate, cuddler, romantic, sensuous, erotic, toucher, warm weather lover, beach walker. I'm as comfortable in a suit as I am in jeans and a T-shirt. I'm organized at work, and have everything in its' place, but at home I need someone to keep me organized. it's a motivational thing. (Guy thing). Oh yea, I shower daily and don't mind sharing my shower.

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