BOATGOFAST1 Dating Profile

Find the sexiest boys in Ventura for sex dating in California
I am a 43 years old straight single man living in Ventura, California

Sportfishing and a quickie

Hello all, I am Dave, I like Sportfishing and Sex. I have a business located in Marina Del Rey, Ca and I call home venture, Ca on the weekends. My job involves outside sales and I travel through out So. Cal. dealing with city's and municipality's, 4 days a week I stay in hotels and generally arrive in Ventura Friday nights from 6 Pm to 8 PM and leave Monday mornings. I an not looking for a relationship just a girl or 2 I can share an occasional intimate relation ship with. I'm thinking a woman with an outside sales or hectic job that can understand what it is to be on the road much of the time but is able to advance schedule a romp in the hay.. I am a big time weekend Sport Fisherman. I am generally go aboard fishing boats a Head out to sea both Saturday and Sunday. If you simply want to join me for a fishing trip respond. Ladies are always welcome. Please contact me if you have any interest.

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